
Showing posts from March, 2017

Accounting Principles for Dummies

   This video contains brief but clear and easy to understand explanation about Accounting Principles. Hope this video helps you:)

Accounting, Business, and Management

This video will show you the meaning and quotes from the words, Accounting, Business, and Management.

Accounting Concepts and Principles

Accounting Concepts and Principles kindly click the video above. :)

History of Accounting

This video shows the history of accounting. Enjoy watching:)

Accounting Brief History

This video presentation will help especially to the accountancy students to know about a brief history (timeline) of accounting.

Accounting Process

             This video shows the summary of an  accounting process. . 

Basic Accounting Terminologies

What are the basic Accounting terminologies?                This blog post is very important especially to the fresh accounting students. This may help them in order to discover first on what are the basic in accounting, because in accounting process a strong foundation is important . Accounting Equation  - assets = liabilities + equity Accounts Payable   - money owed to creditors, vendors, etc. Accounts Receivable  - money owed to a business, i.e. credit sales Accrual Accounting  - a method in which income is recorded when it is earned and expenses are recorded when they are incurred, all independent of cash flow Accruals  - a list of expenses that have been incurred and expensed, but not paid or a list of sales that have been completed, but not yet billed Amortization  - gradual reduction of amounts in an account over time, either assets or liabilities Asset  - property with a cash value that is owned by a business or individual Audit Trail  - a recor


         This video is an accounting quotes that will help you to be motivated in your studies.....

Accounting We Love!

This video is just an introduction by the contributors for this blog using accounting humor.

Accounting Facts

This video will help you to discover the facts of accounting and the beauty of being an accountant. It will help the accounting students be inspire and love accounting even more.

Accounting Cheats

This is a very short slideshow that gives a simple and easy explanation about Accounting.

Accounting Equations

This is the video that will teach you what is the most important equation being use in Accounting. In which it is just easy to remember. Credits to: Accounting Equation

Business Facts and Quotes

Here is the video that surely you will be amazed to know them. Will give you more information about the Business world. Credits to: Business Facts and Quotes

Business and Accounting Definition

This video will allow you to learn in a cheerful way for you not to feel sleep in studying. Just get the main idea of each word and surely you will really understand each meaning. Business and Accounting work together for Accounting is the backbone of each business. The Accountant who are working in the Accounting Department in which they will know if the Business will grow or not and if the Business will gain profit or loss.  Credits to : Business Dictionary Investopedia